Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Turning that radio on again...

To the kind readers who've inquired, yes, indeed I've been away for many weeks now--not just from RadioactiveSeattle, but also, somewhat, from even listening to my favorite media genre.

That distraction is mostly over, I suspect, and I look forward to catching up herein on some of the fascinating things we've all been hearing on newstalk shows of late.



Anonymous said...

Hey there! Thank you for the laughs and the enlightening conversation you gave yesterday over the phone. From what I gathered in the hour or so that we spoke you are a very intelligent person, and if you ever restart your show once you complete your move to Los Angeles, I would be more than happy to listen in sometime. It sounds like something that would definitely keep me entertained.

Keep it real and have a good year!


Anonymous said...

Hello, Hello, wherever you are. Read a post elsewhere that said something about a move to LA ? Good news to me; since I haven't heard jack squat on you since you stopped posting, would even be better if it meant HEARING YOU ON THE AIR AGAIN Brother...give us all an update Bro', no matter what you,ve been up to. Tell us to get lost...sumpmthin :-)


Anonymous said...

Where's Styble? We need an update!

Anonymous said...

Bryan: your fans need to know you're safe. I think there is a spot for you coming up on KOMO. Please let us know what's what. If you're back in SoCal, let us know. Blather is saying he ran you out of town. I know better, but I'd like to hear it from you. good luck,
Seemingly Phred